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Spring in Colorado, Honey Bees in the Chicken Feed

Writer's picture: Shelli QuattlebaumShelli Quattlebaum

Almost every year I see a bunch of posts on Facebook and Instagram about honey bees bothering chickens in the spring, trying to get into their chickens feed.

My chickens included!

Pollen Substitute Chick Food Feed Colorado Honey Bees

The bees are trying to gather protein off of the corn dust that is in your chickens food.

Corn dust is not the most nutritious food source for them, but when we keep European Honey bees in an environment not conducive to feed them year round, they will search for whatever option of food there are. Colorado does not supply enough resources for honey bees in January, February.

Pollen Substitute Chick Food Feed Colorado Honey Bees

So, how can you prevent the bees from bothering you're flocks feed?

Feed the bees what they are looking for ! Pollen!

You can buy pollen substitute for honey bees and serve it to them in a pollen feeder like the one pictured below. Or you can buy pollen substitute and place a small amount on a plate outside for them to gather. I had the idea to take pictures of the bees gathering pollen out of mini figurines to make it look like she is playing in sand.

Springtime in Colorado, Bees in the Chicken Feed Pollen Substitute Chick Food Feed Colorado Honey Bees

When you first see bees bothering your hens, take their food inside the coop and place the pollen sub close by but not in the coop. You are going to train the bees were to go. Once the bees understand there is a better pollen source then the chicken feed, they will leave your chickens alone, or at least not pester them as much.

Start putting out pollen substitute now in January.

There are a few warm days in January and February that the bees will fly to search of food.

If you train the bees now, you could avoid the bees in your feed later on.

Pollen Substitute Chick Food Feed Colorado Honey Bees

Pollen Substitute can bee purchased from a local beekeeping store near you or online.

Pollen Substitute Chick Food Feed Colorado Honey Bees

For bees, pollen from flowering plants is a source of protein, lipids, vitamins, and minerals. Here is a link to the American Bee Journal with more information about pollen .

Pollen Substitute Chick Food Feed Colorado Honey Bees

Pollen Substitute Chick Food Feed Colorado Honey Bees

Pollen Substitute Chick Food Feed Colorado Honey Bees

Pollen Substitute Chick Food Feed Colorado Honey Bees



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