Kids & Bees
Are you a teacher or youth group leader looking for unique educational experience in Colorado?
Look no further!
Meet a real beekeeper!
I bring the educational fun to your classroom !
Standard presentation is $300
Ideal for ages 5-10
Typically runs 40-90 minutes
You may have as many kids and parents present as you like.
My presentation include hive lifecycle, games, sensory experiences, and honey tasting.
The focus of the presentation can be tailored to suit a specific curriculum requirement.
An additional travel fee may apply depending on your location.
Do you have an older group of children?
Are you looking to cover a specific subject?
No problem!
I can make a custom presentations for any age group.
Please contact me to develop a presentation that is suited for your curriculum goals.
Themes that I have integrated into specialized presentations include ecosystems, agriculture, the food web and sustainability, native pollinators and habitats, products from the hive and more.
Standard Presentation
What a beekeeper does
Who live in a beehive (interactive game)
Bee lifecycle (interactive game)
Pollination (interactive game)
Honey – What’s in the hive?
How to help bees at home!
A honey tasting (honey sticks)
Q & A
I want children to learn about how honey bees shape our everyday life and what life would look like without them.
Simply put we need to be mindful of our ecosystem and how the lack of bees would affect it.
Children are the future!
By investing in your children's education about honey bees and native pollinators, you are securing success in our
agricultural future.
I have been a Weld County
4H Beekeeping Project leader volunteer for 4 years now.
I love to help children learn about beekeeping and the diverse hobby that it is.
Please contact me with any questions.